Have you ever thought of these questions or said these statements while waiting around or riding BART?
- It's the only seat left in the car and it has a stain. Should I take the seat?
- Why won't people move to the next car? It's crowded on this one, but the other one is empty.
- Can you please not board the train while people are exiting?
- Move to the right side of the escalator if you are going to stand, jackass.
- I don't want a foot on my ass, so get your feet off the seat.
- Your luggage is not a human body, get it off the seat.
- Please don't pick your nose and grab the pole after that.
- Eeew, clip your nails at home.
- If the sticker says on the doors are broken, don't stand there waiting for the door to open.
- Just because BART's tunnels now have cell phone service doesn't mean you can talk as loud as you can to compensate for the loud tunnel noise.
- What's in the news today? Let me look at the newspaper the person in front of me is reading.
- Thanks for breaking the train doors, dummy. Now I can't get to work on-time.
- You must be stupid to park your car in a bus only lane at Daly City BART so you can pick-up your wife. I'm hoping a Samtrans bus smashes your rear end.
- Did you bring a bike on BART? Good for you, healthy exercise. Just keep it off the escalators.
- Where's my hand sanitizer?
- Let's play... guess the mystery stain on the BART train's blue carpet!
- The first ever passenger on BART was Richard Nixon. Oh hell, he left a big fat curse on the agency because fares keep rising every few years.
- How soon will the passenger next to me go deaf? I can hear the music leaking out of the earphones while the train car is making loud noises in the tunnel.
- I just heard the word "ahhh," time to move to the next car because I think the person just farted.
- Good, there's no floor to ceiling poles on BART. All I need is crazy people doing terrible pole dancing.
- I know you enjoy drinking that soy nonfat latte with a shot of vanilla syrup and extra foam, but all I need is to get my dress pants stained.
- There's nothing worse than the vomit inducing smell of fast food french fries on the train.
- When BART fails, there's always AC Transit. Ha!!! Another round of AC service cuts coming soon.
- I don't need help with the ticketing machine Mr. Crazy Dude.
I can't believe you haven't had most of these thoughts while riding Muni. The only difference is that you tend to pay more for the privilege on BART.
You missed one, BTW: "Take your backpack off when you're standing. Do you not understand that you're taking up twice the space with it on?" (Again, not a BART-only gripe.)
I actually did do one on Muni many months ago:
As one person told me, you can also carry your backpack on one strap as you are standing--taking up less space.
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