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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Annoying People in San Francisco City Politics

In the world of politics everywhere, there is always business to take care of, shaking hands, making speeches, and of course, using the system to your advantage.

On the past few days, I've been on a comment rampage on news sites and blogs about annoying citizens in San Francisco politics that enjoy abusing their citizens' rights.

First up: Kimo Crossman. He's been labeled in the Chronicle for wasting time with the Sunshine Ordinance, similar to the Federal Government's "Freedom of Information Act" where he puts useless requests for information that plugs up the system for REAL citizens who need information without much delay. Would you like a backlog of useless requests for government "public" information when you are last in line to get real information for a problem you might be facing? To learn more about the a-hole, read this article.

Second up: Two people I don't have names for, but if you go to any legislative meeting or hearing in City Hall, you always see an old lady and some guy that speaks English with an accent. What makes it annoying is that the lady and guy has nothing better to do and just decides to attend every FRICKIN' MEETING they can get their hands on. Also, they attend every meeting so that they can get in front of a microphone during the "public comment" session(s) of the meeting to give WORTHLESS COMMENTS to topics that don't involve them at all. Here's a message for you, there are REAL SAN FRANCISCO CITIZENS who want to leave comments to something that is way more important to them than what you people say.

I even remember going to a hearing about an event that affected my neighborhood drastically and the Supervisor invited residents to attend and tell their side of the story. When it was time for public comment, the old lady came up and spoke her mind, gave worthless shitty comments to an event that did not even involve where she lived, and wasted my time. I finally gave my comments, but sometimes you just feel like telling the lady, get a fucking job or a damn life.

Or how about this annoying person? Abusing their "public comment" time to sing a song about the troubled SF Supervisor Ed Jew?

Let's summarize my rants:
Kimo Crossman should scratch his head instead of his butt. Stop bothering our government for useless shit.
Stop wasting the time of our city hearings and meetings with pointless comments.
Can the deputies at the meetings kick out annoying ass people that give worthless comments?


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Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter where you live. There are always people who attend city council meetings on a regular basis to voice an opinion on an issue that doesn't even concern them. When I lived in a smaller city I was told by a council member that they have to treat these cranks with kid gloves since these timewasters, believe it or not, actually develop a following after awhile (Someone will go up to them in the grocery store: Aren't you the borderline personality that hogs the mike at council meetings?). People talk to them like they are ex officio council members, and the fear is that crossing one of them could result in a loss of votes.