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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update: Lindsay Lohan claims innocence on the drug possession

Looks like someone put too much sugar into my morning coffee this morning... word from the entertainment program: Access Hollywood reports that recently rehabilitated from alcohol abuse, Ms. Lindsay Lohan claims innocence to the drug possession charges.

What an interesting story, good old drunk-o Lindsay Lohan, a woman who was carrying cocaine on her possession when checked for any contraband, gets caught by the cops. Haven't you ever heard of the term, "you have the right to remain silent?" How the hell are you going to deny the possession charge if you have the damn illegal narcotic in your pocket?

What is interesting to read is that she did not deny the DUI in the recent Access Hollywood interview for alcohol on her most recent arrest. So she must have been drunk when the cops were giving her the sobriety test.

Either way, she's screwed. Time for her to visit a nice jail or prison cell! I'm sure the ladies at the big house will give her the "special treatment" (with the shiv!).

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