"Akit is the man. He knows Clipper." (spenta)
"It’s a fantastic blog for any San Franciscan."
"Your blog is always on point, and well researched!" (Nina Decker)
"Everyone's favorite volunteer public policy consultant..." (Eve Batey, SF Appeal)
"You are doing a great job keeping on top of Translink stuff. Keep up the good work!"
(Greg Dewar, N Judah Chronicles)
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(Empowered Follower)
"If anyone at City Hall wants to make public transit better for all San Franciscans, it would be wise to follow Akit religiously...
or, better yet, give him a job."
(Brock Keeling, SFist)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Ed Jew asking for Money?

Ed Jew, the man who accepted a $40,000 bribe for tapioca drinks, today is asking for donations to pay off his lawyers and potential legal fines that is coming-up shortly. Shit, I thought his celebrity lawyers were doing it pro-bono (for free).

KGO (AKA "ABC 7 News") says that donations should be sent to Ed's Flower Shop. See story here.

Here's my advice:
Send your money to Ed Jew's Sunset District home just to piss him off.
I'll be sending in a PENNY. Good luck Mr. Bribe.

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