2009 has been a great year here at Akit's Complaint Department. When comparing last year to this year, I've posted over 100 more blog entries than last year (maybe because my thesis took a lot of time in 2008).
A lot of blog entries targeted Muni for all the troubling antics the public is so ticked-off about while others targeted the TransLink card program on its development to a major program. I'm also proud that some of my blog entries has changed public policy and defends the people from the broken SF public government system.
And of course... to my readership: Thank you for your continued loyalty. I am truly honored to have my blog being read on your own personal and work computers.
As an anonymous reader said to me: "the squeaky wheel gets heard!" I will continue to squeak the wheels as the watchdog will keep an eye on our city.
Let's sum-up 2009!
- BART started a Facebook page about the "hall of shame," but negative publicity quickly shut-down the gallery, and BART wrote a statement of why they removed it.
- Muni's CultureBus was getting some really bad press on the news, and they also decided to reduce service from 20 minutes to hourly.
- TransLink releases their first survey to people who signed-up for the SFMTA/Muni trials.
- After making some demands to TransLink and Muni to confirm people who signed-up for the testing program, the agencies release an official letter from SFMTA Chief Nat Ford to confirm our participation.
- Concert organizers releases the schedule for the 2009 OutsideLands festival. I wasn't happy.
- An unofficial TransLink card party is organized. The party was a success and demonstrated the program as easy to use and reliable (a great marketing tool too!).
- Rumors were flying around about a Muni fare hike to $2.
- I wrote a controversial piece about Japantown and the Cherry Blossom Queen program.
- A long list of stupid proposals by Muni to "save money." Turned-out a lot of people hated their ideas.
- Muni fare inspectors are a bunch of thugs and a-holes. And I still believe they are today.
- TransLink and the MTC sent me some 'thank you' gifts.
- Faster than the mainstream news... I was the first one to break word of the Swine Flu fears making tons of cruise ships visit San Francisco and raking in the money for our city.
- Rumors were flying of the Cherry Blossom Festival being shortened to only one weekend.
- BART wants to use cell phones to open their gates. James Fang calls TransLink a joke, but the public hates Fang for wasting $350,000 of taxpayer money for a cell phone project.
- TransLink on BART is getting closer to reality (haa haa haa, UP YOURS FANG).
- Japantown's problems started heating-up when the city wanted to approve the Better Neighborhood Plan.
- The ORCA card in Washington is kicking TransLink's ass. And it's the same damn technology!
- Fare inspectors checking AT&T Park fans TWICE. Idiots.
- Wondering if BART hates me pestering them about TransLink.
- Pissed-off about the dirty politics in Japantown.
- A list of changes to public transit effective July 1st.
- The smartest idea ever: Fort Miley shuttle.
- Catching a DPT officer vomiting on the street.
- Just like the CultureBus, the Golden Gate Park shuttle is a waste.
- CultureBus finally will die in July.
- Official word that TransLink will be accepted on BART.
- A controversial recap of the Nihonmachi Street Fair.
- Akit's Furlough Adventures starts out in Sausalito.
- Video proof that TransLink works on BART.
- Announcement of TransLink being allowed on Caltrain.
- OutsideLands... the hell to our beloved city. How to survive.
- Solutions to why Translink "doesn't work."
- Only six months until a new Muni pass hike, a guide to how to save money.
- The Nichi Bei Times goes away.
- Japanese Americans interned in the Japanese Internment Camps during WWII to be given honorary degrees from the Cal State University system.
- Some damn courtesy on Muni, don't clip your nails!
- The President's Cup brings another world of hell to our city and the folks of SF State. My information is better and more reliable than our city agencies. Info guide, updates (day 1, 2, and 3-6).
- Halloween in the Castro killed-off again.
- Muni hitting rock bottom? Actually... I think they can sink further.
- Advice for rookies riding BART during the Bay Bridge closure.
- My 20 demands to Muni. I was on a roll!
- What Muni pass hike? Muni soon later fixes it... GOTCHA!
- The history of the terrible Muni metro.
- In preparation for Muni's service changes, my favorite bus stop is being dismantled and soon later disappeared.
- Confronted Muni for not posting their route change schedules and not updating the online trip planning programs. The result of my squeaky wheel: Google maps updated, 511 updated.
- Preparing for Muni Meltdown with all the service changes.
- The last ride on the 18-46th Avenue.
- Akit's silly holiday songs about Gavin Newsom and Muni.
- Muni and 511 tells people that Muni Metro has a major problem hours later.
- TransLink to be renamed 'Clipper.' Not the best name...
Happy holidays everyone! Let's sing songs!
Dashing through the bags,
on the most crowded bus in town.
Hearing the driver yell,
"get off the stairs or this bus is going to hell!"
Live chicken in the bag,
Ladies clipping their fingers.
Oh what fun it is to ride and smell the stinky bus tonight...
Oh 30-Stockton, 30-Stockton!
P.S. Sorry for not posting in over a week, I've been out of commission with a cold and I'm almost back to 100% health.
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